Thursday 16 September 2010

Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair

The Lib-Dems have not changed their party's name for several years now.
After the failure of the old 'Alliance' to make the big breakthrough in 1983, they adopted many nomenclature but retained essentially the same political identity. Even when they were briefly the LSDs, they can't have been in greater confusion in their political creed than they are now.
Just a few days before conference, Nick Clegg has refined his definition of liberal. It has shifted markedly since those TV debates in the Spring and is now does not resemble anything the Great Grandad of the party William Beveridge (above) would have recognised. Clegg takes it to mean, less sympathetic more self-reliant, less egalitarian in outcomes more materially ambitious.
In his Times article today, the DPM said of the forthcoming benefit cuts including for the disabled and elderly were "profoundly liberal". He went on, "welfare needs to become an engine of mobility...rather than to compensate the poor for their predicament." That could have been Keith Joseph speaking.
And what of the poor and their 'predicament' and those who are too old and infirm to acheive social mobility? If the Liberal side of the philosophy can be transformed what of social democracy?
Much of the Parliamentary Party don't believe this and there is very deep unease among the grey beards of Steele, Ashdown, Kennedy and Campbell. So far only the solid principled Bob Russell (Colchester) has had the courage to speak his mind. On Monday, he challenged Osborne's casual remarks about how so many benefit claimaints were just following their 'lifestyle choice' known more commonly as being idle bastards.
There are many more from the old 'Sandle Brigade' who will re-state the reason they joined the party all those years ago. I would expect their voices to be heard next week, for all their recent Government experience even the Liberals could not suppress all dissent like the last Government.

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