Monday 16 January 2012

Don't Call me Brother

Perhaps the recent criticism of Ed Milliband's leadership has been unfair. At times the media acts collectively to pour poison into the public's ear about some party leader, think of Michael Foot, Hague and IDS.
But just when the neutrals were forming a negative opinion, Ed then decides to estrange his entire core support.
It was bad enough conceding to Tory policy on freezing public sector pay for five years and presenting the false capitalist choice of decent pay or jobs. But then he conceded the entire deficit reduction plan.
So what is Labour for now it supports wholesale decimation of public services and soaring unemployment and poverty? By capitulating to the Coalition Government's pernicious policies, Ed has given up the game before it has barely started. His gauche imploring with empty hand gestures wasn't working with the public before - now he has handed over the only weapons he had. No sign of KBO here.
The party rules on selecting a new leader support the incumbency. I would not favour a defenestration usually becuase division leads inexorably to election defeat but I would support any new candidate who set out his opposition to cuts in benefit for the disabled, to sky-high tuition fees and an obsolete nuclear deterrent. And I suspect I am not the only one.

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