Andrew Rawnsley knew what was coming. The Observer's Chief Political writer devoted his weekly column to his methodology on compiling his book on Brown's disastrous Premiership, along with accurate predictions about how he and his text would be attacked.
No. 10 began by deny accusations which hadn't been made. Then questioned Rawnsley's motives (money) and attacked him for hastening a Tory administration. If journalists were to withold revelations in fear of the political fallout, they wouldn't be journalists in the first place and they'd never make a living.
Eventhough I was familiar with a lot of the detail it was still a very compelling read. The details around the cancelled election in 2007 and the flip-flopping over inheritance tax showed an amateurish command, only capable of tactics not strategy. What a steep decline from Blair's masterly touch.
The story of Brown's abrasive and, at times, physically agressive management style gained 'legs' when the Director of the National Bullying Helpline, Ms Prat, reacted to Mandy's denial of any bullying behaviour. His description on the Andrew Marr Show of the PM being "passionate, demanding and impatient," almost amounted to a definition of bullying itself.
Next morning, Brown's PPS Anne Snelgrove MP, mounted a classic 'smear and spin' attack on Ms Prat, claiming there was something dubious about the charity and wasn't it interesting the local Tory party was only two doors down?
The claims by Brown, Mandelson and Balls of a "zero tolerance" of bullying across the Civil Service is somewhere between excrutiating and laughable. The problem is systemic and endemic. Even though it all goes on behind closes doors, the Government had to admit in a PQ to several No 10 staff being "disciplined for bullying and harassment of colleagues." Their denials are the diametric opposite of the reality. It is the equivalent of football players denying they go on the p*ss or bankers saying they don't deserve a bonus.
This morning the Guardian set out Brown's serial hysteria with Blair about when he would gain power. Another great read.
Brown's Mini-Me, Ed Balls, is renown in Whitehall for his aggressive style yet, a spokesman for Ed said, " Mr Balls had always advised Mr Brown to stay out of any 'move to oust' Mr Blair."
I have an acquaintence who was at a meeting of Brown, Blair and Balls in 2005 at No.10 which better summarises the dynamic at the top of the party then. Balls was only a recently elected MP and still not a Minister but felt confident enough to open the meeting with this question to Blair, "When are you going to f*ck off?" he inquired.
There will be more in this Sunday's Observer no doubt and Labour's shrieking (like this eruption from John Prescott) will make no difference to Rawnsley.
For all their wailing Rawnsley can maintain the simplest of justifications. He's telling the truth.
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