Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Last Word

Some years ago I worked in a part of the Home Office dealing with the hand-in of firearms after the Dunblane massacre.

I had the occasion to read the Cullen Report which included a passage on what the perpertrator, Thomas Hamilton, had done in detail. It was breathtaking and deeply disturbing, at times impossible to read - it was clear this murderer was exceptional and belonged in Dante's seventh circle of Hell.

The trial of Anders Breivik in Oslo this week has already shown he is even more despicable still. This dim-witted sociopath has no regret whatever about the 77 murderers he committed. He is in effect a modern day SS guard, perhaps he would not even argue with that description. Except many of the loathsome crimes of the SS were driven by the extremes of war. This excrutiating individual has created grand enemies from the safety of his own bedroom, in any case he is intellectually bankrupt and despite his claims of some honour in his 'cause' exists in a moral vacuum.

Sometimes events show there is actual evil within people, very occassionally a person is simply intrinsically evil themselves. It is unfortunate he has the right to publicise his perverse and idiotic beliefs on Norwegian television. I, for one, will not listen or read another word he has to say.

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