The long line of excuses from MPs for items claimed on expenses has been extra-ordinary and sickening in equal measure. It's as if they're now trying to convince themselves because the public, not even a small proportion, is buying it.
'Lemsip' Opik, Lib-Dem spokesperson for Astronomy and Meteors, reached new depths of moral degradation yesterday. A well-known self-publicist and ego-maniac, Lemsip admitted the £40 tax summons he submitted as an expense was "probably" not allowed and then went as far as describing this outrage as "provisionally a mistake". But when asked by the Beeb why he had felt justified in submitting it in the first place he sighed, "my brother died...suddenly...I took my eye off the ball".
What? What? It was six months later. Opik really did use his bereavement for submitting this expense. Watch this great Zepellin of arrogance for yourself.
Justice Minister, Shahid Malik was making a pretty robust defence of his actions this morning describing himself as," relaxed, content." He had been renting a house way below market rates and claimed up to the max on his 2nd home, filling it with other luxuries such as a £2,500 plasma TV. But two hours later he was told he should step down.
Neither Malik nor Elliott Morley were sacked by Brown and he continues to show precious little leadership allowing the Telegraph to dictate the entire agenda. Let us not forget Morely claiming £16K for a non-existent mortgage was prima facie fraud, worth at least two years in jug.
Brown's pitifully lame decision to delegate the review of claims to Member's Allowances Committee did not attract the contempt it deserved. First it will only assess whether the rules have been breached in invididual cases - hardly the point, John Maples was within the rules by claiming his Gentleman's Club as his main residence. Secondly the Chair of the Committee is Don Touhig who not only 'flipped' his house but organised backbenchers to vote against reform last July. It's like appointing Peter Doherty as the new Drug Czar.
MPs got a flavour of the nation's opprobrium on Question Time last night when the usually restrained British public began the serial booing of MPs. The Euro and local elections on 4 June will be historic, no-one has a clue what will happen but Labour should expect annihilation, Tories may fare a little better. When they see the numbers in black and white then they may just stir from this ethereal sense of superiority.
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