"It wasn't a racist murder, there's no doubt about that," said BNP leader Nick Griffin last week of the obviously racist murder of Anthony Walker in Liverpool in 2005. Griffin had posted this message on Youtube and was pictured standing shamelessly at the spot where Anthony Walker was killed by a blow to the head with an ice axe.
Although the police, jury and judge all agreed this act of vicious brutality was driven by racial hate, Griffin chose the testimony of a couple of local BNP supporters or "patriots" as all the evidence he needed.
His intention is clearly to incense the 'liberal elite" and he succeeds often, particularly when he describes black England players like Rio Ferdinand as, "not English" or calls Gurkhas, "mercenaries".
But his video was a bit more than just infuriating; it amounted to a criminal attempt to stir up racial hatred. The clip has now been withdrawn 'by the user' presumably on legal advice, as Griffin could face a prison sentence after his last conviction for circulating leaflets which denied the Jewish holocaust.
The Observer 'revealed' yesterday the thoughts and words of a few of the foul-mouthed and violent yobs who support Griffin's organisation; they may deny him the goal of respectability but also help attract many more tiny-minded and bitter hooligans to the cause.
The BNP's party political broadcast for the European Parliament leant heavily on nostalgia for a white Britain of 60 years ago. There were long references to the WWII which was reported as simply stopping Hitler from forming a European superstate. There was, naturally, no acknowledgement of our desire as a country to defeat Nazism itself, borne out of our utter rejection of the cruel discrimination, persecution and murder of minorities. Griffin did not honour the dead; he insulted them.
So many of Griffin's words are patently hypocritical and perverse. He protested outside Coventry Cathedral in 1996 describing the RAF pilots as, "mass murderers". Griffin is no patriot; if he had been alive in 1940 he, alongside the traitors Moseley and Joyce, would clearly have welcomed a German victory.
The BNP are showing on 5%, according to the latest Telegraph opinion polls and it is likely they will win one or two seats next week. For the voters who are drawn to the extreme agenda, one can only hope they spend at least five minutes reflecting whether their anger is so boundless they really belong with this band of bigots and thugs.
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